
My childhood dish that my mom always prepared. It is a korean dish that is made out of anchovy broth with thin flour noodles. There are also toppings you can put on top, mostly with thin sliced eggs, seaweed, carrot, zucchini, and kimchi.

Total Time of cooking: Max 40 minutes

Serving Size: 1 bowl


  • 180 grams of thin flour noodles
  • 4.5 cups of anchovy soup stock
  • 2 eggs
  • 70 grams of zucchini
  • 60 grams of carrot
  • 1/2 tsp fine sea salt
  • 1/2 tbsp regular soy sauce

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    1. First beat the eggs, and spread the eggs around the pan. When fully cooked, gently fold the egg omlette and slice it thinly.
    2. Then slice the zucchini and carrot. Fry both on the pan until it is lighly cooked.
    3. Add the salt and soy sauce into a soup pot. Put the soup stock into it and boil it thoroughly until it reaches 140 F.
    4. Boil the flour noodles separately. After it is soft, pour out the hot water, and run the noodles under cold water.
    5. Then your done! Put the noodles on a bowl with the zucchini and carrot on top. Then, pour the hot broth on top of the noodles and you're done! It is best to enjoy the noodles hot before it gets soggy.
    6. If there are leftovers, it is best to throw it away as the food does not taste good when it gets cold and soggy, so make sure not to make too much noodles. Don't waste food!

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    Finalized Food

    Research Evaluation

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    Recipe Website

    Website 1

    I used this site as a reference for my ingredients and instructions. It is very descriptive and easy to navigate, making this website very effective at teaching people how to make this dish. The website also gives an alternative recipe for those who may dislike the orginial toppings which is think is another plus.

    Website 2

    This is another website which I think did well in giving out the ingredients. It has a better instruction into teachigbn how to make the dish with videos attatched to it. The only problem is that it is full of ads, making it very slow to navigate across the website.

    Website 3

    I think this website has the best design and layout. The image, font style, and the organization of the images and text makes it very easy to read. There is also very few ads in this website, making it a great website to see the brief content on this dish.

    Non-Recipe Website

    Website 1

    I really like w3schools' format. It is very easy to navigate because of the header. You can simply click on the things that you want to learn about more, and I think this is the design I want to incorporate for all of my websites so that it gives a better user experience when they navigate through my website.

    Website 2

    Although the website might be confusing to navigate at first, the amount of design that is put into this website is very astonishing. There are bunch of short clips of different maps and characters, and there are many interfaces the user can interact, making the website very explorative and fun to explore.

    Website 3

    I believe this website is the best at attracting the users. The design is very simple yet effective. It know how to communicate with the users by putting the most relevant game and topic at the top of the page. This is something I definetly want to put because attracting new users into their website is effectively the main goal for all companies.